Welcome to DevBalanced!

Welcome to DevBalanced!

2019, Aug 30    

If you’re reading this post, welcome to the DevBalanced blog! This blogs main purpose is a place for written articles that correspond one-to-one with videos posted on the DevBalanced YouTube channel, however other posts may find their way onto this blog in time.

DevBalanced as a concept is a YouTube channel that combines content related to Computer Science/Software Development with content related to self improvement and leading a healthy life. Often the tech industry gets a bad rap for being unhealthy, with developers working long hours and having a low quality of life. DevBalanced aims to show that this does not need to be the case, in fact the opposite can be true.

Current plans for future content on the channel and this blog include topics such as:

  • Career - University Tips
  • Career - Securing a Grad Job
  • Basics - Introduction to Programming in Python
  • Basics - Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Basics - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
  • Advanced - Theoretical Computer Science
  • Advanced - Neural Networks
  • Advanced - Genetic Algorithms
  • Self Improvement - Book Recommendations
  • Self Improvement - Personal Experiences
  • Self Improvement - Personal Finance
  • Fitness

Each topic will have multiple videos and each video should have a corresponding entry on this site with extra information.

As for the author, my name is Max Sargent. I am a recent graduate from the University of Portsmouth in the UK. I start my graduate job in about a months time. For me this blog and channel will provide a way for me to sharpen up my skills prior to starting full time work as well as providing a platform to continue more “academic” style work, which I have not been able to do since finishing university.

If you want to learn a bit more about me, check out my CV.

Thanks for checking out the blog,

Max Sargent